Amalgam Removal

Dentistry is undergoing a shift and moving away from the usage of amalgam fillings.  Dr Hanus has been way before the times in his dentistry, and has pushed for this movement for the past 20 years.  Now he focuses on providing  patients with safe removal with his keen knowledge of the fact that, under certain circumstances, mercury filling removal can be more harmful than keeping them in.   We provide a  safe environment for removal of mercury fillings so  patients and staff have the least exposure possible.  It is one thing to get your amalgam fillings removed but  its smart to have them safely removed with us.


IAOMT –  “Smoking Teeth – Toxic Fillings” video


IAOMT – “Safe Removal of Amalgam Fillings” video


Supreme Court lowers the boom on self-dealing dental boards…  and the pro-mercury American Dental Association


Through years of thought and practice we have designed a way for our patients to experience the highest dental amalgam removal.  We laid out the key components in what patients should look for.

Patient-dentist understanding

Patient and staff safety

Pre removal preparation

An experienced dentist

A safe evacuation of mercury vapor and particles